Wheat and Tare Ministry

Our wheat and tare ministry happens in summer time on the road and is usually set up at the following locations: Knox County Fair Ohio State Fair Hartford Fair Morrow County Fair Delaware County Fair Come and enjoy our fresh made pastries and homemade cooking!

“A Tribute to My Pastor” – Arthur Crawford

My pastor was one of the smartest men I ever knew.  As a young nuclear physicist, he worked under Albert Einstein on the Manhattan Project which led to the winning of WWII.  Our congregation would often hear stories about Albert Einstein during sermons as my pastor would weave his incredible experiences into illustrations that explicated the passage we were studying in his verse-by-verse teaching of the Scripture.  My pastor claimed that his role under Einstein during the Manhattan Project was to empty the trash cans, but we all knew that he played a much more significant role.  How cool that my pastor worked for Einstein!

Ultimately, my pastor’s work under Einstein led him to develop the field of modern predictive maintenance through vibration analysis applying the mathematical principles of the fast Fourier transform algorithm to solve problems in industry.  My pastor was also a pilot who built and flew experimental aircraft.  Our congregation would hear stories of his amazing stunts.  One time he flew his plane under a bridge in Columbus, Ohio.  Another time, he landed an experimental aircraft in a sports stadium during a game!  Not only was my pastor one of the smartest men I ever knew, he was also one of the coolest men I ever knew.

My pastor was my role model – I wanted to be like him.  He was a brilliant engineering scientist and an accomplished man of God.  I always believed what he said about the Bible.  My pastor would teach us that mankind is totally depraved and that God chose us before the foundation of the world to be redeemed by the Lord Jesus Christ.  He was also carful to tell us that “no man has a corner on the truth” and like the Bereans to search the Scripture ourselves to see “if these things be so.”  My pastor would support his interpretation of a passage by presenting the underlying original languages.  As a congregation, we were exposed to Greek grammar and syntax such as learning the difference between the objective and subjective genitive, the fact that the perfect tense verb describes the present reality of a past completed action, and what transliteration meant.  Instead of what we need to do for Christ, we would hear what Christ has done for us.   My pastor practiced what he preached.  His credibility was enhanced by the fact that he did not rely on the church collection plate to make a living.  Not only was my pastor the smartest and coolest man I knew.  He was also one of the most credible men I have ever known.

As a child, I loved to go to church and get to shake my pastor’s hand on the way out the door.  He was always really nice to me.  As I grew into adolescence, my pastor took time out of his busy schedule to meet with my parents when they needed help.  My pastor preached at my Father’s funeral – I think it was at this moment when God fully opened my eyes to the wondrous truth of the Gospel.  Later, my pastor married my wife and me – He spent so much one-on-one time with us.  During the following years, my pastor would often come to our house with his wonderful wife, June.  They were our role models for what God intended marriage to be.  Whenever we needed anything and would call him to talk, he would drop whatever he was doing and drive over an hour to come to our house.  It is with a lump in my throat that I look back and remember his kindness and self-sacrifice.  My pastor was one of the kindest men I ever knew – He was like a Father to me.

I spent many years learning under my pastor, and I worked hard at it.  My pastor knew that I wanted to learn and responded as an incredible teacher.  He challenged me in every area of theology.  He regularly gave me stacks of textbooks and weekly assignments.  In our one-on-one sessions, my pastor pushed me hard to study the Bible and grow in grace and knowledge.  As my wife and I studied the Bible and grew in our relationship with Christ, we began to form convictions in many areas of our life.  We developed Anabaptist convictions in terms of believer’s baptism, Christian women’s veiling, non-resistance, and separation from the world.  While challenging me and assigning me to write research papers in these various topics, my pastor was supportive in every way and would encourage me to follow our convictions.  “That is from the Lord,” he would often say when I presented him my basis for our convictions.  My pastor was the best teacher I ever had.

While deep in the study of the Word during one of my assignments that my pastor had given me, the Lord called me to a life of ministry.  During the next six months, I quit my executive engineering job and entered seminary.  My pastor was with me every step of the way helping research various seminaries, encouraging me, and ultimately helping me select the best seminary.  He was so excited that I was going to seminary.  We started spending even more time together as my pastor started transferring his notes and reference material to my PC.  What a treasure trove of information.  As I worked my way through seminary, I would often become discouraged and question my calling to ministry. My pastor always seemed to be there when I needed him the most.  His encouraging words meant the world to me.  He would often call me up just to tell me that he loved me.  My pastor was the most encouraging man in the world.

My pastor told me that he wanted me to take over for him when he retired from preaching.  He gave me practical advice on how to preach.  He warned me of the various dangers associated with being a pastor.  He helped me understand the political issues of our congregation and became my advocate.  I was planning on taking the pulpit when he announced his retirement, but God had different plans.  During the tumultuous selection process, I was ultimately rejected by the elders.  Looking back, I now realize that I was not ready to fill my pastor’s shoes and probably will never be.  However, through the whole ordeal, my pastor was unwaveringly supportive and helped me regroup to start a new church plant.  The Lord has taken me through many joys and sorrows since that time.  In my journey, I have been humiliated and brought low but have been drawn ever closer to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  All along, my pastor has always believed in me and been one of the greatest advocates I have ever had.

Well, my pastor went home to be with the Lord last Sunday.  He was 91 years old.  Today we were at his funeral.  It was like the clock was turned back fifteen years, and all the people were back as we fellowshipped together in the basement.  It is the last time on this side of glory that all my pastor’s faithful students would be gathered together.  It was Riverside Bible Church again but without my pastor.  I talked to him on the phone just the other day, and he said it was close and that he was really looking forward to going home.  He told me that he loved me.  I loved him, too.  He was the greatest man I ever knew.

Mt. Liberty Family Bible Study

On most Fridays, we have an evening Bible study in the Mt. Liberty Barn with the following schedule

6:30 pm Fellowship meal 7:30 pm Praise and worship 8 pm Bible study Prayer and fellowship time (feel free to bring your instruments!)

The schedule is flexible – bring a dish to share for the fellowship meal or just come for the singing and Bible study – whatever works for you.

Friday Night Bible study is a chance to meet other believers in a casual yet meaningful gathering. First, you will be treated to a real home-cooked meal. Next, you will enjoy singing hymns and songs of praise. Professor Marshall (SBTS seminary grad and ordained SBC pastor) leads the Bible study with an in-depth view of books being covered. Feel free to come to one or all of the studies and bring a friend.

2 Peter 3:18 Grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

The barn address is 7220 Columbus Rd., Mt. Vernon, Ohio 43050 (on Route 3, between Centerburg and Mt. Vernon.)